Ishkq in Paris is an upcoming Hindi film, starring Preity Zinta. Directed by Prem Raj and Produced by Preity Zinta, is expected to be released on November 2, 2012. The theatrical trailer was released on August 9, 2012.Preity Zinta who is also the producer of the film, was signed for the lead female role. It has been often regarded as her big comeback film, after a hiatus of 4 years. The male lead is to be played by Rhehan Malliek, who was previously known as Gaurav Chanana, who is a former television actor. The film also stars French actress, Isabelle Adjani. It will be the first time that Isabelle Adjani will play in an Hindi movie. For the part, she has learnt Hindi. Director Shekhar Kapur will also be featured in the film, while actor Salman Khan will be making a cameo appearance as himself.
Akash (Rhehan Malliek) and Ishkq (Preity Zinta), two complete strangers, after having met on a train from Rome to Paris, end up spending the evening together in the romantic city.
However, owing to a ‘no baggage’ pact set by Ishkq, the two part ways the next morning without a proper goodbye. Ishkq, being the strong-headed independent girl, moves on, while Akash ends up falling for the girl he spent the evening with. They cross paths once again in Paris but will there be ‘Ishkq In Paris’?
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